Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No Substitutions!!

Most people know that I am an insanely picky eater. I either love what I am eating or hate it... So its easy to imagine that when I go into a restaurant, I want exactly what I want and nothing else. Some places are good about it, and others are bad. Mr. Nicholson walked into one of the bad ones. (What you see here is what I feel like sometimes when I am ordering...)

This is from Five Easy Pieces, one of my top 10 movies:

1 comment:

Sara said...

We have such different views on this whole "exception" ordering thing. hah hah
I HOPE you have never acted this crazy in a restaurant!

Even at home, if the kids don't like what I made, the response is, "That is what we are having for dinner. Take it or leave it. No substitutions!" ;P